Hand With Fingers Splayed

A hand with fingers spread wide, often used to express greeting, calling for attention, or signaling someone to stop.

What does the Hand With Fingers Splayed 🖐 emoji mean?

General Meaning

The 🖐 emoji represents a hand with fingers splayed out. It can be used to signify a greeting, like waving hello or goodbye.

Emotional Context

It conveys openness and friendliness, often associated with welcoming someone or expressing excitement.

Cultural Context

In pop culture, this emoji is frequently used in online communities to signal a high-five, celebration, or a casual handshake. It's also commonly used in memes and social media to express agreement or solidarity.

Category & Tags

Category:People & Body
Hand gestureFingers splayedCommunication

Alternative Names

Extended fingersOpen hand gestureHand spreadFlat palmFanned hand

Typical Usage

The Hand With Fingers Splayed emoji 🖐 is often used to express excitement or when someone is spreading their fingers wide, like showing off something. It can be used in messages that involve surprise, success, or even casual greetings.

Hey dude! Just won the lottery 🖐
OMG I just saw you on TV 🖐
Guess what? I aced my exams 🖐
Went to the gym today and got this new pump 💪🖐
Just bought a new car, can't wait to show it off 🖐

How to insert the Hand With Fingers Splayed 🖐 emoji: