Ok Hand

A hand forming an 'OK' sign, symbolizing agreement, approval, or success.

What does the Ok Hand 👌 emoji mean?

General Meaning

👌 The 'Ok Hand' emoji is a gesture where the thumb and forefinger form a circle, resembling the letter 'O', while the other fingers are extended. It typically signifies agreement, approval, or satisfaction.

Emotional Context

👌 This emoji conveys feelings of positivity, confirmation, and contentment. It can express that everything is fine or acceptable in a situation.

Cultural Context

👌 In Western cultures, especially in the United States, this gesture is commonly associated with approval or agreement. However, in some other cultures, such as Japan, it might symbolize money or zero, depending on context. Additionally, in pop culture, the 'Ok Hand' has been used humorously to signal agreement or satisfaction, often appearing in memes and social media.

Category & Tags

Category:People & Body
confirmationapprovalthumb upagreementokay

Alternative Names

AlrightOkayAightThumb up

Typical Usage

The Ok Hand emoji 👌 is commonly used to signify agreement, approval, or acknowledgment. It can also express a job well done or satisfaction with something. Additionally, it's often used in casual conversations to show understanding or confirmation.

I think we should meet at 7 PM tomorrow. 👌
Just finished my report! 👌
Can you send me the details by EOD? 👌
Thanks for the feedback, I'll make sure to implement it. 👌

How to insert the Ok Hand 👌 emoji: