Waning Gibbous Moon

A waning gibbous moon with its bright, illuminated crescent phase.

What does the Waning Gibbous Moon 🌖 emoji mean?

General Meaning

The 🌖 emoji represents a waning gibbous moon phase where the moon is more than half illuminated but the light is decreasing as it moves towards the new moon.

Emotional Context

It can evoke feelings of decline, transition, or endings. It might also signify introspection or a time for reflection as things begin to dwindle.

Cultural Context

In some cultures, especially in astrology, the waning gibbous moon is associated with releasing emotions and letting go of what's no longer needed. In pop culture, it can symbolize mystery, secrets, or even werewolf themes.

Category & Tags

Category:Travel & Places
nightmoongibbousfull moon

Alternative Names

Waning Moon PhaseMoon TransitionGibbous NightHalf MoonCrescent Wane

Typical Usage

The 🌖 waning gibbous moon emoji is often used to convey a sense of mystery or anticipation. It can also symbolize transformation or change, as it represents the moon in its later phase before becoming a new moon.

Hey there! I've got something up my sleeve... 🌖
The night sky was clear and the 🌖 hung low, casting an eerie glow over everything.
I'm feeling a bit off tonight. Maybe it's the 🌖 in the sky?
She looked at him with a sly grin, 'Something big is coming...', and then she pointed to the 🌖 above.

How to insert the Waning Gibbous Moon 🌖 emoji: