
A depiction of a Synagogue, representing Jewish places of worship and community.

What does the Synagogue 🕍 emoji mean?

General Meaning

The emoji 🕍 represents a Synagogue, which is a place of worship for Jewish communities. It symbolizes religious gatherings, cultural heritage, and spiritual practices.

Emotional Context

Emotionally, the 🕍 emoji can convey feelings of faith, community, and connection to one's roots. It might evoke a sense of peace or nostalgia for those associated with Jewish traditions.

Cultural Context

Culturally, the 🕍 emoji is deeply rooted in Jewish identity and religious practice. It can be used in contexts related to holidays like Hanukkah or Yom Kippur. In pop culture, it might appear in discussions about Jewish heritage, community events, or as a symbol of solidarity within the Jewish diaspora.

Category & Tags

Category:Travel & Places
Hebrew symbolreligionworship placeJudaismsynagogue

Alternative Names

Jewish TempleReligious CenterPrayer HouseSynagogue Building

Related Emojis

Typical Usage

The 🕍 emoji is typically used to represent a synagogue or religious building. It can be used in contexts related to Jewish culture, religion, or events.

Hey, I just found this amazing deli near the 🕍! Anybody want to grab some pastrami on rye?
Shabbat services start at 7 PM at the 🕍. Don't forget to bring your tallit!
I can't believe we're doing this again, like every Friday night at the 🕍.
The new exhibit at the 🕍 museum is a must-see! Lots of fascinating history there.

How to insert the Synagogue 🕍 emoji: