Rolled Up Newspaper

A rolled-up newspaper, often symbolizing news, media, or journalism.

What does the Rolled Up Newspaper 🗞 emoji mean?

General Meaning

The 🗞 Rolled Up Newspaper emoji represents a newspaper that's been rolled up into a cylindrical shape. It symbolizes news, media, journalism, or reading materials in general.

Emotional Context

Emotionally, the 🗞 emoji can convey feelings of being informed, perhaps even a bit overwhelmed by the constant stream of news. It might also suggest a sense of authority or seriousness associated with newspapers as traditional sources of information.

Cultural Context

Culturally, the 🗞 Rolled Up Newspaper emoji is often used in contexts related to news reporting, press conferences, or media coverage. In pop culture, it can signify breaking news or sensational headlines. It's also commonly associated with investigative journalism or expose stories, evoking a sense of uncovering truths or revealing hidden information.

Category & Tags

headlinejournalismdaily papernewscurrent events

Alternative Names

Scroll NewsNews ScrollPaper RollNewspaper CoilRolled Paper

Typical Usage

The 🗞 emoji is often used to convey news-related content or to express feelings of being informed or up-to-date. It can also be used humorously to suggest someone is 'wrapped up' in something, like gossip or a heated debate.

Did you hear about the new? 🗞
Just read the latest scoop on the merger-can't believe it! 🗞
I've got all the dirt on the office drama, trust me. 🗞
Breaking news: I found out who took the last donut. 🗞

How to insert the Rolled Up Newspaper 🗞 emoji: