
A bright yellow citrus fruit, often used to add a tangy flavor to drinks and dishes.

What does the Lemon πŸ‹ emoji mean?

General Meaning

The πŸ‹ emoji represents a lemon fruit, typically used to denote the actual citrus fruit or its flavor.

Emotional Context

It can express feelings of sourness, disappointment, or something that feels 'bitter sweet'.

Cultural Context

In pop culture, the lemon emoji is often used in contexts related to humor, like when someone is being sarcastic or making a joke about something tasting bad. It's also associated with cocktail mixology, especially in drinks like the margarita.

Category & Tags

Category:Food & Drink

Alternative Names

LemonadeZestCitrusBright Yellow FruitSour

Typical Usage

The Lemon emoji πŸ‹ is commonly used to represent the fruit itself, express sourness or bitterness, or indicate a refreshing taste. It can also be used sarcastically or humorously in various contexts.

Just had that lemonade-refreshing as hell! πŸ‹
That meeting was a total sour taste. πŸ˜’πŸ‹
Need to add some πŸ‹ to this conversation-anyone got jokes?
She’s all πŸ‹ and vinegar today, can’t stand her attitude.
The new flavor isCitrus Burst-it’s like a πŸ‹ explosion in your mouth!

How to insert the Lemon πŸ‹ emoji: