Frowning Face

A frowning face emoji represents a person feeling unhappy or sad.

What does the Frowning Face ☹ emoji mean?

General Meaning

The ☹ Frowning Face emoji represents a person frowning or looking sad, often used to convey feelings of unhappiness, disappointment, or dissatisfaction. It can also be used humorously in certain contexts.

Emotional Context

Emotionally, the ☹ Frowning Face emoji conveys sadness, disappointment, frustration, or general unhappiness. It's often used when someone is upset about a situation, feeling let down, or expressing mild irritation.

Cultural Context

Culturally, the ☹ Frowning Face emoji can be interpreted differently depending on context and audience. In Western cultures, it's typically associated with sadness or disappointment. In some East Asian contexts, frowns might also indicate seriousness or deep thought rather than just unhappiness. In pop culture, the frown face is often used humorously in memes to express exaggerated sadness, like when something doesn't go as planned.

Category & Tags

Category:Smileys & Emotion

Alternative Names

Unhappy ExpressionSorrowful LookDispleased VisageMelancholy CountenanceSad Face

Typical Usage

The Frowning Face emoji ☹ is typically used to express sadness, disappointment, or dissatisfaction in a conversation. It conveys a sense of emotional downturn and can be used when someone feels upset, discouraged, or unhappy about a situation.

Hey, I just found out my flight got canceled. This day is officially ☹
I was so excited for the concert, but now it's postponed? Ugh, feeling ☹ right now.
Just saw my grades and they're worse than expected. 😢 feeling really ☹ about this...
The weather forecast says rain all week. My plans are ruined, and I feel so ☹ about it.
I thought I was ready for the presentation, but nerves got the best of me. Now I'm just ☹.

How to insert the Frowning Face ☹ emoji: